The surprising benefits of sex: 6 reasons why you should be having sex every day

Looking for excuses to hit a home run more often? Here are 6; and they are all health-related. Because sex doesn’t only feel amazing, but it also has many healthy side effects and there are plenty of studies to second it. Most of them relate to reaching orgasm, which you can do on your own. So whether you’re taken or flying solo, learn about these proven benefits of having regular sex.
Counts as exercise
This is great news for all of us: sex, just like any other physical activity, also burns calories! Best believe that if by sitting and watching TV you burn off about 1 calorie per minute, with sex, that number goes up to 4 and 3 calories per minute for men and women respectively.
Sure, it cannot replace gym sessions, but having an active and healthy sex life is still a good complement to the treadmill.
Relieves stress

It’s no secret that during sex, we release endorphins and other “happy” hormones. These substances boost our mood, stimulate the reward and pleasure system in the brain and therefore, help relieving stress.
Betters your sleep
You’ve probably already noticed that there’s nothing like a good orgasm to doze off. The science behind it traces back to prolactin, a hormone released during orgasm that’s a natural sleep aide. Prolactin makes you feel relaxed and sleepy, and that’s the explanation to why it’s easier to fall asleep after having sex.
May reduce prostate cancer risk
A study published in the journal European Urology documented that men who ejaculated 21 times per month were less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who ejaculated 4 to 7 times per month. While there are more risk factors to prostate cancer than just how often you ejaculate, we can’t deny that this is a very interesting finding.
Improves women’s bladder control
There are women-specific health perks, too. Orgasms activate women’s pelvic floor muscles, toning and strengthening them. The stronger the pelvic muscles, the less risk of urine leaks, so climaxing happens to be a great way to help with urinary incontinence, which affects about 30% of women at some point in their life.
Makes you look younger

Why spend money in surgery and anti-aging creams when you can simply rejuvenate your way through orgasms? The afterglow fable is real; sex helps you look younger. The reason why this happens is because sex stimulates the release of estrogen, which takes part in making skin look vital. Moreover, the blood rush under your skin produced by arousal, combined with stress relief, result in that young-looking after-sex glow.
Now you know, the answer to a healthier and happier life lies between your sheets. So for your health’s sake, f*** more ?.
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