Best ways to get intimate with girls online

For some people, interacting with girls online behind a screen is easier and less nerve-wracking than doing so in real life. But once you create your user account and are ready to hit the chat rooms to interact with beautiful models, it hits you… how to get intimate with them? How to stand out and make things escalate?
Let us help you with that.
Stick to good etiquette
The best way to earn models’ trust is to stick to good etiquette. Why? Because everyone likes nice and well-mannered people, and also because you will probably also stick out.
Unfortunately, models are subject to freeloaders and sometimes, even rude and entitled users. So if you establish yourself as a respectful and trustworthy individual, you will already be half-way to the model’s intimate circle. A simple “hi” when you enter the room can really go a long way, and tipping whenever you can is also key, which takes us to our next point…
Don’t expect anything for free
Don’t get it wrong; even if most cam sites are freemium and don’t require you to pay to watch public shows, that doesn’t mean that tipping is not expected. Cause it is.
Remember that most models rely solely on their camming job to make a living. Sex work is work at the end of the day, and if the model is providing value, paying them is always a good idea, especially if you spend long time in her chat room watching the show.
If the model feels appreciated in the form of tips, she will notice you, give you more attention, and thus build more trust with you.
Don’t treat them like puppets
Some girls want to be directed and might be willing to be told what to do. In these cases, they will usually state it somewhere in their profile or room topic. However, if this is not the case, refrain from telling them what to do and harassing them if they don’t (especially if you haven’t tipped). Models have Tip menus for a reason; there, you can already see the activities that they’re willing to offer and tip for them directly.
Also, don’t tell models things like “you’d look better if you smiled” or “you should dress differently”. That doesn’t work with anyone in real life, so neither will it work online.

Add value to the chat
Spend enough time in the chat rooms, and you’ll soon realize that there are a bunch of different personalities in camland. The recurring ones are the fuck boy, who’s usually asking to see tits or ass (oftentimes without tips involved), and the prince charming, who’s the gentleman type that will shower the model with compliments about her looks. Neither of these two archetypes reach the model’s heartstrings. You need to aim to be the third type: the funny and smart one. Make the model laugh, and she will surely remember you.
If you can also hold a good conversation with her in DMs or add value by helping her keep the room calm and nice, you’ll win extra points. Take time to read her profile and learn about what she likes and what her interests are to bond over them.
Be confident
As cliche as it may sound, there’s nothing sexier than confidence. If you display confidence when interacting with the model, you’ll have more chances to draw her in. Conversely, the more you get to know the model over time, the more confidence you’ll build.
Take her on a Private
Privates are the perfect safe – and intimate – space where bonding happens. It’s the same as a 1-on-1 date but online. You will have the model all to yourself, to chat further and get to know each other more, and of course to escalate things if you will.
Some models might not do Privates due to previous bad experiences with clients, so when you find the model you want to take to Private, be sure to make her have a memorable time in the good sense of the word.